About Pennsylvania Choose Life, Inc.
In life, people often look for the benefits before they commit themselves to a course of action. The volunteers of Choose Life believe this work brings about benefits for people in very diverse situations. Some women in crisis may feel helpless with their unplanned pregnancy because of lacking funds for health needs and other necessities they will require. However, some women decide they cannot give their child the life he/she needs and therefore decide to place their child with an adoptive family.
Today, there are hundreds of thousands of loving couples who desire to share their love with a child. They seek to adopt children into their family, but very few are available to adopt. Many women with unplanned pregnancies are choosing to offer a gift of life and love through adoption to families who have not been able to conceive a son or daughter of their own.
Funds generated by Pennsylvania's Choose Life specialty license plate will assist these women with the expenses of a full term pregnancy such as medical bills, temporary housing, transportation, utility bills, food, maternity clothing, and similar expenses of infants until placed with an adoptive family.
It is the intention of Pennsylvania Choose Life that women recipients of financial assistance not be discriminated against because of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap or age.
We thank you for your support of unborn human beings and their mothers!